Friday, November 29, 2019
Unit Activity Essays (1019 words) - Mathematics, Elementary Algebra
Unit Activity Unit: Two-Variable Equations, Inequalities, and Graphs This activity will help you meet these educational goals: Mathematical Practices-You will make sense of problems and solve them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, use mathematics to model real-world situations, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Introduction In this unit, you used different methods to create and solve linear equations. You modeled scenarios using linear inequalities and solved them with the help of graphs. In this activity, you will analyze real-world situations by modeling them as equations and looking at their graphs. __________________________________________________________________________ Directions and Analysis Task 1: Deforestation [pic] There are approximately 400 million trees currently growing in the Amazon Rainforest, which covers approximately 5.5 million square kilometers. The rainforest is being cleared at a rate of 20,000 square kilometers per year to make way for new farmland and to harvest wood for building supplies. Before this year, 250,000 square kilometers had already been cleared. A preservation consortium is trying to mitigate the loss of rainforest by planting new trees. They have already planted 3,000 square kilometers of trees and plan to plant 100 square kilometers of trees each year. a. Create an equation to represent the rainforest area deforested, AD, in thousands of square kilometers, after t years. Type your response here: b. Create an equation to represent the rainforest area planted with new trees, AP, in thousands of square kilometers, after t years. Type your response here: c. Use the Edmentum Graphing Tool to graph the equations you created in parts a and b. Specify what each axis represents, and set the scale of each graph to ensure a good view of both graphs. Copy both graphs and paste them in the answer area below. Type your response here: d. How did you choose the scales you used for the graphs? How does using different scales affect the way you compare the two graphs? Type your response here: e. What are the y-intercepts of each function, and what do they represent? Type your response here: f. What area will have been cleared due to deforestation after 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years? Type your response here: |Years From Now |Total Area | | |Cleared | | |(1,000 sq km) | |1 | | |5 | | |10 | | g. What area will have been planted by the preservation consortium after 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years? Type your response here: |Years From Now |Total Area | | |Planted | | |(1,000 sq km) | |1 | | |5 | | |10 | | h. What percentage of the area lost to deforestation will have been replanted by the preservation consortium after 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years? Type your response here: |Years From Now |Percentage | |1 | | |5 | | |10 | | i. Based on your findings, will the preservation consortium ever be able to restore the rainforest to its original size before it is completely cleared? Explain. Type your response here: Task 2: Driving Out of Town [pic] Brent is driving to a conference in another state. Three hours after leaving his home and beginning his drive, Brent is still 470 miles from his destination. After another 4 hours of driving, Brent is 258 miles from his destination. After 9 hours of driving, Brent plans to stop at a hotel for the night and begin his trip again 12 hours later. a. Use the given information to determine the coordinates of two points that represent Brent's distance from his destination based on the amount of time he has spent driving. Type your response here: b. Assuming that Brent's average rate of speed stays consistent during his entire drive, create an equation to represent the distance left to his destination, d, based on the amount of time he has spent driving, t. Write the equation in slope-intercept form. Type your response here: c. Use the Edmentum Graphing Tool to graph the line represented by the equation. Let x represent t and y represent d. Set the scale so the graph can be easily seen and paste the graph below. Type your response here: d. What are the intercepts of the equation, and what do they represent? Type your response here: e. What does the slope of the line represent? Type your response here: f. If Brent's average speed had been faster or slower on his trip, what features of the graph would change and how would they change in each situation. Explain your answers. Type your response here: g. Brent decided that
Monday, November 25, 2019
Parthenon Sculptures
A History of the Elgin Marbles/Parthenon Sculptures The Elgin Marbles are a source of controversy between modern Britain and Greece. Its a collection of stone pieces rescued/removed from the ruins of the Ancient Greek Parthenon in the nineteenth century, and now in demand to be sent back from the British Museum to Greece. In many ways, the Marbles are emblematic of the development of modern ideas of national heritage and global display, which argues that localized regions have the best claim over items produced there. Do the citizens of a modern region have any claim over items produced in that region by people thousands of years ago? There are no easy answers, but many controversial ones. The Elgin Marbles At its broadest, the term Elgin Marbles refers to a collection of stone sculptures and architectural pieces which Thomas Bruce, Seventh Lord Elgin, gathered during his service as ambassador to the court of the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul. In practice, the term is commonly used to refer to the stone objects he gathered- an official Greek website prefers â€Å"looted†- from Athens between 1801–05, particularly those from the Parthenon; these included 247 feet of a frieze. We believe that Elgin took around half of what was surviving at the Parthenon at that time. The Parthenon items are increasingly, and officially, called the Parthenon Sculptures. In Britain Elgin was heavily interested in Greek history and claimed he had the permission of the Ottomans, the people ruling Athens during his service, to gather his collection. After acquiring the marbles, he transported them to Britain, although one shipment sank during transit; it was fully recovered. In 1816, Elgin sold the stones for  £35,000, half his estimated costs, and they were acquired by the British Museum in London, but only after a Parliamentary Select Committee- a very high-level body of inquiry- debated the legality of Elgin’s ownership. Elgin had been attacked by campaigners (then as now) for â€Å"vandalism,†but Elgin argued the sculptures would be better cared for in Britain and cited his permissions, documentation which campaigners for the return of the Marbles often now believe supports their claims. The committee allowed the Elgin Marbles to stay in Britain. They are now displayed by the British Museum. The Parthenon Diaspora The Parthenon and its sculptures/marbles have a history which stretches back 2500 years when it was built to honor a goddess called Athena. It has been a Christian church and a Muslim mosque. It has been ruined since 1687 when gunpowder stored inside exploded and attackers bombarded the structure. Over the centuries, the stones which both constituted and adorned the Parthenon had been damaged, especially during the explosion, and many have been removed from Greece. As of 2009, the surviving Parthenon sculptures are divided among museums in eight nations, including the British Museum, the Louvre, the Vatican collection, and a new, purpose-built museum in Athens. The majority of the Parthenon Sculptures are split evenly between London and Athens. Greece Pressure for the return of the marbles to Greece has been growing, and since the 1980s the Greek government has officially asked for them to be permanently repatriated. They argue that the marbles are a prime piece of Greek heritage and were removed with the permission of what was effectively a foreign government, as Greek independence only occurred a few years after Elgin was collecting. They also argue that the British Museum has no legal right to the sculptures. Arguments that Greece had nowhere to adequately display the marbles because they can’t be satisfactorily replaced in Parthenon have been made null and void by the creation of a new  £115 million Acropolis Museum with a floor recreating the Parthenon. In addition, massive works to restore and stabilize the Parthenon and the Acropolis have been, and are being, carried out. The British Museum’s Response The British Museum has basically said no to the Greeks. Their official position, as given on their website in 2009, is: â€Å"The British Museum’s Trustees argue that the Parthenon Sculptures are integral to the Museum’s purpose as a world museum telling the story of human cultural achievement. Here Greece’s cultural links with the other great civilizations of the ancient world, especially Egypt, Assyria, Persia, and Rome can be clearly seen, and the vital contribution of ancient Greece to the development of later cultural achievements in Europe, Asia, and Africa can be followed and understood. The current division of the surviving sculptures between museums in eight countries, with about equal quantities present in Athens and London, allows different and complementary stories to be told about them, focusing respectively on their importance for the history of Athens and Greece, and their significance for world culture. This, the Museum’s Trustees believe, is an arrangement that gives maximum public benefit for the world at large and affirms the universal nature of the Gree k legacy.†The British Museum has also claimed they have a right to keep the Elgin Marbles because they effectively saved them from further damage. Ian Jenkins was quoted by the BBC, while associated with the British Museum, as saying â€Å"If Lord Elgin did not act as he did, the sculptures would not survive as they do. And the proof of that as a fact is merely to look at the things that were left behind in Athens.†Yet the British Museum has also admitted that the sculptures were damaged by â€Å"heavy-handed†cleaning, although the precise level of damage is disputed by campaigners in Britain and Greece. Pressure continues to build, and as we live in a celebrity-driven world, some have weighed in. George Clooney and his wife Amal are the most high profile celebrities to call for the marbles to be sent to Greece, and his comments received what is, perhaps, best described as a mixed reaction in Europe. The marbles are far from the only item in a museum which another country would like back, but they are among the best known, and many people resistant to their transfer fear the complete dissolution of the western museum world should the floodgates be open. In 2015, the Greek government declined to take legal action over the marbles, interpreted as a sign that there is no legal right behind Greek demands.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Company Law 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Company Law 2 - Essay Example 5. Regulation 66 of Table A is amended by replacing 'but shall not be entitled to receive any remuneration from the company for his services as an alternate director' with the following sentence: 'An alternate director shall not be entitled to remuneration from the company for his services as an alternate director except that he may be paid by the company such part of the remuneration otherwise payable to his appointor as the appointor specifies by notice to the company'. 6. Regulation 72 of Table A is amended by replacing the first sentence with the following: 'The directors may delegate any of their powers to a committee consisting of such persons as they think fit provided that a majority of the members of the committee are directors'. 7. Regulation 81 of Table A is amended by replacing paragraph (e) with: 'he fails to attend three successive board meetings despite a notice being given to him prior to the third meeting that the provisions of this paragraph might apply and all the other directors (excluding the director concerned and, in his capacity as such, any alternate director appointed by the director) resolve that his office should be vacated'. (b) The 2006 annual general meeting of Vunce Ltd... s despite a notice being given to him prior to the third meeting that the provisions of this paragraph might apply and all the other directors (excluding the director concerned and, in his capacity as such, any alternate director appointed by the director) resolve that his office should be vacated'. PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS 8. Regulation 89 of Table A is amended by adding after 'unless so fixed at any other number shall be two' the words 'except when there is a sole director in which event he shall constitute a quorum'. Please answer the following questions on the meaning and effect of the articles of association. (a) The directors wish to sign a unanimous written resolution instead of holding a board meeting. Which resolution, if any, allows them to do this This can be done via an ordinary resolution of a simple majority, which is fine because it is unanimous. (b) The 2006 annual general meeting of Vunce Ltd is due to start in the Islington Business Design Centre at 9.00 am, Monday 15 May 2006. After 33 minutes there is still no quorum. The directors are prepared to follow the articles for arranging the adjourned meeting except that they have decided that the meeting shall start at 10.30 am to allow for possible transport delays in the morning. State the actual time, date and place of the adjourned meeting: Islington Business Design Centre at 10:30am Monday 15th May 2006 (c) What is the quorum for general meetings according to the articles of association Three persons entitled to vote on the business to be transacted, being a member or a proxy for a member or a duly authorized representative of a corporation, shall be a quorum'. (d) Apart from members, who may attend and speak at separate class meetings The persons entitled to attend and speak at general meetings
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Class and television in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Class and television in the UK - Essay Example On the other hand, commercial television was to be regulated more firmly (especially in regard to advertising and content) and the game shows that had won ITV high ratings over the last few years were to have their prize monies slashed. The disparity between Pilkington's judgements of the two channels was quite clear. This disparity was firmly and inextricably interwoven with the class structure of Britain at the time of the report, and television's place in that structure. By 1962 the working class was becoming increasingly affluent, riding the post-war industrial boom and supported by the new welfare provision put in place by Clement Attlee's reforming government of 1945-51. Between 1951 and 1958 real wages rose by 20% (Curran, 204), this growth favouring principally the lower middle classes. This increased prosperity naturally converted into an increase in the number of television sets bought: in 1951 there were 586,000 licences, which grew by nearly twenty-fold to 11,659,000 (Sendall, 1982, 370). This increase was almost certainly driven by the availability of the new ITV. As well as greater prosperity for the working class, there was also increased social mobility, again due to the Attlee government and the grammar school system it had put in place in the late 1940s. An example of this new t rend was a member of the Pilkington Committee itself, Richard Hoggart, who has been characterised by Andrew Crisell as "a working class beneficiary of higher education and celebrated historian of popular culture." (109). I will argue that it was the personality type and, more importantly, class position, of people like Richard Hoggard, that gave the Pilkington Report its particular tenor. One of the main reasons the BBC outperformed ITV in the Pilkington report's findings was that the report was driven by so-called 'Reithian' values (after the first Director General of the BBC). Both channels were judged on their merits as public service broadcasting, as Sendall has said, "the assumption was consistently made that entertainment needed to be 'balanced' by a suitable proportion of improving material" (Sendall, 1983, 88). The viewers of television had to be improved in some way; that is, television took on a moral and social function. The report said so itself, the committee being quite adamant that, "television is and will be a main factor in influencing the values and moral standards of our society." (Crisell, 111). Judged in this way, ITV - which was subject to market pressures in a way that the licence-fee funded BBC wasn't - was almost certain to fall short of the committee's criteria. In the main, ITV produced entertainment, and all indications seemed to suggest t hat the mass majority of people (mainly from the working class) watching ITV preferred this type of output to that which might 'improve' them. However, Pilkington was less concerned with what the democratic public wanted, and more with what they should have, seeing broadcasting as a vehicle for an elite class to educate and better those moraly (which usually also means economically) beneath them, rather than a product, which is chosen by the democratic individual
Monday, November 18, 2019
Nursing Informatics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Nursing Informatics - Coursework Example It limited in details though on the parts played by the patient and doctor yet presents the technology as the superior aspect. Aimee McPeck’s is piece is about nursing practice and patient safety. The authorship is well directed and is a plea to all nurses in practice to put the safety of patients at the first spot. It is in this claim that I find this response particularly imperative and essential for prioritization. In the respect, the work is presented in a fashion implying that knowledge gathering about safety in nursing is imperative and should be taken as a continuous process. The paper cites Sherwood and Zomorodi’s work in line with patient’s sensitivity in participating in the nursing process because their worry leads to no progress. As a nurse, I fully acknowledge and appreciate the pointer by Aimee. However, Aimee is not vivid about the source of knowledge in that subject matter. I would prefer the author to mention books, journals, and participation in events like brainstorming and frequent discussion meetings to keep all abreast. Cynthia Vaughn is an author with experience, which to me is required of any nurse practitioner. I was particularly attracted by her introduction of the HER systems. With the claim that one can find their records right from birth to their last day is a strong statement and catchy. Her example considering the Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) is informative and presents the point home (Harshberger et. Al., 2011). She narrates in a short yet direct to the point experience with a doctor in the handwritten records time hence bringing out the disadvantages of the traditional system. In that fashion, a reader is able to acknowledge the need for HER. Harshberger, C. A., Harper, A. J., Carro, G. W., Spath, W. E., Hui, W. C., Lawton, J. M., & Brockstein, B. E. (2011).
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Destruction of our environment
Destruction of our environment Deforestation Issues in Brazil In recent years one of the biggest threats the world as a whole faces is the destruction of our environment. The destruction of the Brazilian rainforest is probably the most important issue that should be taken into consideration because it is the cause of other major ecological problems we are facing such as: global warming, the depletion of our ozone layer, and noticeable climate changes around the world. Brazils deforestation problem has turned into earths deforestation problem. Experts say that not too long ago 14 % of the earth was covered with rainforests. Today only 6% remains and everybody focuses their attention on Brazil because 30% of the remaining rainforests are found in that country (Rain-tree). Deforestation is so dangerous because much of the carbon dioxide that all countries produce is turned into oxygen in the rainforest through the process of photosynthesis. Experts say that 20% of the earths oxygen is produced in the Brazilian rainforest. It is estimated that 90% of all animal and plant species live in the Brazilian rainforest so extinction is another major issue (Rain-tree). The money that deforestation brings to the Brazilian government is a huge motivator since it is a developing country. There are several ways and reasons for which rainforests are destroyed. The major cause of deforestation is logging. The forest is most valuable for its timber so its preservation would cost a lot of money. Commercial loggers destroy huge parts of the forest to reach the trees they want. Trees are brought down and along with them their vines and lianas, which are connected to other trees. When these come down, along come large canopies of green formed above the ground by these vines and lianas. The removal of the trunks cause extra damage since they are carelessly pulled out of the rainforest, destroying and damaging anything in their path. The large machinery compacts the fragile soil with their large tracts, making it very difficult to regenerate. Noise pollution and the destruction of the zone frighten animals living in the area, making them flee to other parts. Commercial loggers make roads to reach other parts of the forest easier. A road connecting point A to point B will disru pt plant and animal life anywhere near it. The roads are then used continuously and animals are forced elsewhere. What most hurts the forest about logging is local people without land that build their homes next to these roads, they are called ‘shifted cultivators (Hect 115). Shifted cultivators usually result when peasants land is ‘stolen by the government because large corporations or companies unjustfully buy the land. These ‘land less people then build their homes inside the rainforest and plant food in order to survive. The Brazilian government blames these people for 60% of the deforestation (Hect 210). In Brazil over 40% of land that is good for cultivating is owned by only 1% of the population (212). Another major cause of the deforestation problem is agriculture. When areas of rainforest are destroyed, ranchers or crop growers move in and clear the entire area. Cattle grazing is very common. Ranchers move in with their livestock and use it to graze until the land is completely barren and stripped of nutrients. After destroying a section, they simply move to a different area and repeat the process. Crops that are grown on rainforest land bring the same consequence; barren, unfertile soil. The problem results when farmers plant crops on the land and begin using pesticides and machinery on the soil. The pesticides alone cause extreme damage to the rainforest. After cultivating their crops farmers leave the useless land and, like the ranchers, move to a different area. These are the major causes for the rainforest destruction but there are many more. Mining in the forest is also a contributor because of large machinery that disrupts life in the area, moves native tribes elsewhere and contaminates the air. For example, Brazil built several hydroelectric dams because they feared an energy shortage. Large sections of the rainforest were cleared to build the dams. This caused erosion problems around the area and animals and tribes living close to the dams had to move. The dams caused several water borne diseases that contaminated the area. According to a World Bank report, Brazil had enough energy to supply to its entire people without having to have had built any of the dams (Causes ). Practices like these, which bring in quick money but leave irreparable damage are drastically reducing the rainforests size. An example of this is how the Atlantic coastline of Brazil has been reduced to 1.7 % of its original state because of cattle grazing (Rain-tree). Experts estimate that in one day 137 plant, insect, and animal species become extinct, equating to 50,000 species each year (Rain-tree). 2.5 acres of rainforest can be the home of over 750 different trees, while a single pond in Brazil can hold more fishes than all of the rivers in Europe (Rain-tree). It is hard to imagine but the Brazilian rainforests has about 3,000 different types of fruits, when only 200 of these are used in the Western World (Hect 110). Rainforests contain half of all animal species living on earth (Rain-tree). Because of human intervention in these rainforests animal species are disappearing about 1000 times faster than they would on their own natural rate. When one species disappears the whole ecosystem is changed and other species that depended upon the first begin to die out until they also become extinct. This chain reaction has wiped out thousands of different species of animals. Most indigenous people living in the rainforest depend on the animals for food and some are believed to be sacred because they are part of their beliefs. When species become getting extinct these peoples lives are affected tremendously. Clear cutting, mining, and dam building are all form of intervention that result in endangered species. The introduction of foreign species into the rainforest further develops the problem since this throws the ecosystem off balance and the different species struggle to fit in, sometimes by killing off others. The poaching of wild animals in the rainforest is another major problem. Furs and exotic birds are very popular among richer countries. Poaching has become more and more common and the extinction rates sore higher each year. Because of economic necessity most poor families living in the rainforest recur to this act by setting traps and capturing animals that are popular on the international market. Animals are sold for very low prices and resold in other countries for much more higher prices. International wildlife trading is a business that makes between 2 3 billion dollars a year so one can see why many local Brazilian people are tempted into it (Rain-tree). Extinction does not only affect animals. Each year thousands of plants in the rainforest become extinct. One fourth of our pharmaceutical medicines in the Western world come from the rainforest. Local people in Brazil use rainforests plants medicinal values greatly. Most indigenous tribes use plants as medicine. Examples of the importance of these plants: Over 70 percent of the plants which are attributed to having anti-cancer properties are found in the rainforest (Hect 139). Unfortunately the Madagascar Periwinkle, a rainforest plant, increased the chances of survival for children with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent (Rain-tree). This equates to 8 out of 10 children who are now living thanks to the properties of a single plant found in the rainforest. The Madagascar Periwinkle is now extinct in the wild because of deforestation. The sale of medicines that are plant-based topped 40 billion dollars in 1996 in the United Sates alone (Rain-tree). Forests are destroyed by the second and very few, only 1 percent, of the plants are tested for medicinal properties. Scientists believe that if a cure for AIDS exists it is probably hiding in some rainforest plant (Rain-tree). Most of the plants that are know to have medicinal properties were discovered by indigenous people who have been using them for years in the rainforest. Another major problem is that shamans, or medicine men, who have hundreds of ingredients to plant properties are very elder and if that person dies without passing his knowledge to younger generations everything he knows is lost. As if the extinction of plants and animals were not enough, deforestation has been the cause of many indigenous tribes living in the rainforest to be ‘wiped out. From over 6 million indigenous people inhabiting the rainforest of Brazil in 1500, only 250,000 still exist today (). Mining, ranchers, corporations among others have quickly been killing off tribes in a gruel fight for territory and interest. There are dozens of different tribes living in Brazil. Each with different customs and traditions but they all share certain characteristics. They are all dependent upon the Brazilian rainforest to survive. They kill wild game for food, live in small areas in the forest planting crops for food and live very secluded from ‘civilization and the rest of the world. Indigenous tribes have taught us that earth and man can live in peace. Not only are they threatened by outsiders interested in the land but by their younger generations who move out to the city and thus, lose the val uable information that the elders want to pass on, especially medicinal values of plants found in the rainforest. Indigenous people usually lose their land when they are moved because ranchers, miners, or logging companies decide they would like to purchase the territory. The intruders usually begin ‘slashing and ‘burning the territory they want and expect any tribe nearby to move to a different location. Many times the military is called in and the tribes are forced out of their land. Their human rights are usually ignored by the government and invasion of territory usually end up in bloody conflicts with the ‘intruders. These people depend on the rainforest to survive. The problem, as can be seen, is not only dangerous on a national level but worldwide. Another of these major ecological problems whose main cause is deforestation is global warming. Let us examine how global warning occurs: the sun releases heat which is absorbed into earths atmosphere. Earth then returns some of that heat in the form of radiation waves, part of the heat is absorbed by gases in the earth such as carbon dioxide and methane. This process keeps the earth warm. Trees absorb the carbon dioxide and through the process of photosynthesis convert it to oxygen. As we keep reducing the size of our rainforests, which are responsible for 20% of the oxygen produced in earth and as we keep releasing more and more ‘greenhouse gases, which are carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide into out atmosphere each year, the ecosystem is thrown off balance. These gases make earths climate warmer each year and so produce global warming (Global Warming). Global warming could bring catastrophic results to the planet in general. Sea levels would rise, causing an ecosystem unbalance plus the relocation of people living near the coasts. Countless animals and plants that would become extinct because of climate change. Species would have to migrate elsewhere causing unbalance in their lives. Agriculture would be affected tremendously since climate would change throughout the world, causing serious droughts and floods that would cost billions of dollars a year in lost revenue. Above the earth is a thin layer that helps keep atmospheric gases inside earth and acts as a shield from harmful rays emitted by the sun. The greenhouses gases mentioned above are deteriorating this protective layer, they are burning holes in it which permit the suns rays to enter our atmosphere easily. The sun rays that are entering the atmosphere are so strong that they act as radiation hitting us everyday. Skin cancer is becoming more and more common in recent years because of the ultraviolet rays that enter through the depleted ozone layer. People suffering from respiratory illnesses such as asthma are also on the rise, because of the high levels of pollution we are suffering from large cities. ‘Why keep destroying? you might ask, after reading all the negative effects deforestation might produce. The answer can be given in one word: money. Brazil is a country that is in a stage of development and deforestation is the main source of revenue. Logging is extremely profitable for companies. The wood is used to make furniture, materials, and other wood products. Charcoal comes from the rainforest as well as paper. The United States, Great Britain, Belgium, and Japan are the biggest ‘customers (Solutions). Another sad thing about this is that these companies pay extremely low prices per acre and making billions in profits. The government is selling their property for prices incredibly low prices compared to the amount other countries are making off them. On the other hand, if Brazil was not selling the rainforest then it would have very little, if any, source of revenue. Many economists say that the destruction of the rainforest is inevitable and only ‘natural. Brazil needs more ‘room for its people since the population keeps increasing each year according to them. Economists also argue that if Brazil was n ot selling its rainforest then the country would be sunk in extreme poverty, crime, and they argue that we would still be losing it. According to Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, everything we are fed by the media about the problem of deforestation is a lie. Bjorn states that pessimist news sells so therefore the media exaggerates the truth greatly. According to him the rainforests are not disappearing as fast as we think and the problem is not ominous. â€Å"80 percent of the original forest cover is still in place then just about 20 percent of all tropical forests have disappeared†(Lomborg 114). On the issue of global warming Bjorn presents interesting information. According to the author â€Å"plants produce oxygen by means of photosynthesis, but when they die and decompose, precisely the same amount of oxygen is consumed†(115). Trees neither produce or consume oxygen according to his hypothesis since it is an equal distribution of give and take. He criticizes disinformation presented by other sources because according to him they have no grounds or bases for their allegations. In his book, he reminds us of when President Carter warned us that we would have very little, if any, rainforest by the year 2000 in his Global 2000 environmental report (113). Rapid destruction or slow destruction of our planets rainforests the problem is there. There are many things we all can do in order to protect our forests from further deforestation. According to experts the rainforest will yield more profits if it is used for its fruits, nuts, oil and medicinal plants than if it is destroyed now for short term gains. The labeling of timber to be sold would be a giant help against deforestation. Labels indicating â€Å"sound wood†would be sold and customers with a more open and aware conscious would purchase timber that is not endangering any ecosystem. Another huge solution to the problem is paper. If we consumed less paper thousands of acres of rainforest timber would be spared. Through another perspective, Brazils government needs to help fight its overpopulation problem since that is a giant factor with deforestation (Solutions ). The government needs to educate its people and make them aware of the present problem and the magnitude its c onsequences can bring. Without an educated, aware society no plan or agreement will work. The fact that Brazils rainforest is disappearing is undeniable. Whether it is going in slow or fast pace does not matter very much. We, as a society need to help protect the rainforests not only because of their beauty but because of the importance in this planets balance with nature. As stated before, the problem does not affect Brazil only, it is a delicate issue whose consequences affect every living thing on this planet. Unless we take action today tomorrow might be too late.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Gender in Mother Courage and Her Children and M. Butterfly Essay
Comparing Gender in Mother Courage and Her Children and M. Butterfly  "The term gender is commonly used to refer to the psychological, cultural, and social characteristics that distinguish the sexes" (Cook 1). From the idea of gender such notions as gender bias and stereotyping have developed. Stereotypes have lead society to believe that a male or female should appear, act, or in more philosophical terms, be a certain way. What these gender stereotypes are and, whether or not they really exist, will be discussed further so that they can be examined in reference to the plays Mother Courage and Her Children and M. Butterfly. In Mother Courage and Her Children "motherhood", and what it should be, is challenged as a result of the actions and qualities of the character Mother Courage. M. Butterfly gives us a great depiction of a stereotypical male, and uses the female stereotype against him. Both of these plays invert, modify, and even glorify the gender stereotypes. Society has females and males alike typecasted into roles which have basic characteristics that are the reverse of each other. Although this has begun to change over the past thirty years, typically the man was seen as superior to the female. This superior image is one that today, is slowly on its way to being reduced to one of complete equality between the two genders. Before the feminist revolution began, the female was traditionally in charge of taking care of the children and household. Her image in life was that of the wife, mother, and nurturing person. Some of the traits that were thought to be uniquely feminine were; ". . .emotional, sensitive, gentle, quiet, nurturing, interested in personal appearance and beauty, focused upon h... ...ect Woman" (1.3.5) in M. Butterfly. The play shatters the illusion of the female ideal. The character Gallimard discovers that it doesn't really exist. However, the stereotypical male all too real. It is glorified to its absolute extremes in this play. The one conclusion that can be drawn between these two plays and gender stereotypes, is that stereotypical masculine characteristics are quite genuine. Conversely, those qualities that create the female ideal, are merely a figment of male perceptions. Works Cited Brecht, Bertolt. "Mother Courage and Her Children." Worthen 727-751. Cook, Ellen Piel, ed. Women, Relationships, and Power. Virginia: American Counseling Association, 1993. Hwang, Henry David. "M. Butterfly." Worthen 1062-1084. Worthen, W.B. ed. The Harcourt Brace Anthology of Drama. 3rd ed. Toronto: Harcourt, 1993. Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Advantages of Tourism in Cambodia
Members of Group: Toch Sovan Vichet (Christ Anderson) Mou Serei Rithy Huy Serey Pharo Hy Ly Ming Kim Lichou. Members of Group: Toch Sovan Vichet (Christ Anderson) Mou Serei Rithy Huy Serey Pharo Hy Ly Ming Kim Lichou. ID : 03021 Room : Aii 507 Time : 9:30 – 10:30 ID : 03021 Room : Aii 507 Time : 9:30 – 10:30 Advantages of Tourism Advantages of Tourism I n the world, there are a lot of countries to visited, and in one country there are a lot of tourisms that come from all over the world.Like in Cambodia a according to the Ministry of Tourism rate on 2013, Cambodia had welcome 1,500,000 tourisms that come from all over the world such as Korea, Japan, United Stated, French, Vietnam, Thai, Laos, Singapore, Africa, †¦ etc. Tourism is a collection of activities, services, and industries that deliver a travel experience including transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking, establishments, retail shops, entertainment businesses, activities, and other hospitality se rvices provided to individuals travelling away from home.Tourists are people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other activities remunerated from within the place visited. Part from entertaining tourists, tourism has a number of advantages and disadvantages to the most common tourist areas. People working in the tourism sector have an advantage in that one gets to meet many new people from different parts of the world or country, which enhances social interaction, and creation of links with them.Another advantage is that tourism enhances foreign exchange where goods and services that are not available in this areas. Consequently, it creates an opportunity to market commodities from these areas in the regional and foreign markets. It also results to development and improvement of facilities and services, which is beneficial to the local people. Moreover, tour ism encourages the preservation and celebration of local festivals and cultural activities. When a local community, for instance, organizes a cultural dance to entertain visitors it ensures that such cultural activities will be sustained in the end.This is because it will attract tourist who are interested in cultural activities of different communities and the locals on the other hand will continue practicing them to attract the tourists and in turn benefit from their visit. In addition, tourism encourages the learning of new languages and skills. As tourists come around, they learn the local language as they interact with the locals, so do the people of this area learn the visitors' language. This promotes cultural exchange in a way. Both the tourist and the locals learn different languages that enhance communication between them and in turn better understanding Murphy.Tourism also provides direct employment to the people who work in various tourism attractions. Tourism relies on hotels, bars, curio shops, and shops. Therefore, people who are employed to run this spots benefit from employment. This translates to a considerable increase in the living standards of the people and a reduction in the rate of unemployment. It is understood that as the government works hard to promote tourism in a given area, it ensures that there is environmental protection such as prohibition of deforestation as forests in a particular area could serve as tourist site.Forests, water catchment areas, caves and other natural antiquities therefore need to be protected. This means that as the government provides resources to take care of these places, the locals also benefit. Tourism happens to have more advantages than the disadvantages and hence should be encouraged, both the tourists and the locals should be encouraged to be of benefit to each other and try to reduce the misshapen that might result from tourism and both parties benefit from each other. However, in some areas, the locals consider a visit by a foreigner as intrusion and often see them with suspicion.It its therefore necessary that such people be made aware that the tourists are up to no other interests and in the long run benefits from tourism accrue to the either directly or indirectly. There are a number of benefits of tourism for both the tourist and the host destination. On a large scale it offers a good alternative to some more destructive industries for generating income both on nationally and privately. In many places the introduction and development of tourism allows local people an opportunity for economic and educational growth that would not otherwise be available.In addition, it allows both the tourist and the local community a chance to experience other cultures, which broadens understanding. If properly used, tourism generated income can be tremendously beneficial to the host country and its local communities. Tourism generated income can be used on a national and local level to better education, improve infrastructure, to fund conservation efforts, and to promote more responsible tourism. Harmful Impacts of Tourism are although tourism can be very beneficial, especially economically, to the host destination, there are many strings attached.Tourism inevitably brings with it environmental and cultural degradation. Though these impacts are closely entered twined, here they will be addressed separately. Environmental Impacts of Tourism are Tourism has vastly different faces, as different people enjoy different types of vacations. An all centric traveler would enjoy backpacking through a distant jungle with little more than the bare necessities while some people prefer a beach front luxury hotel with all the comforts and conveniences of home.The introduction of the â€Å"mega resort†has been one of the most economically successful and environmentally destructive additions to the tourism industry. Large corporate owned resorts, which are usually ba sed in countries other than those in which they exist, rarely give back to the local communities on which they depend and thrive. More often than not, lower level positions such as maids, cooks, waiters, and bellhops are available to the local residents while upper level and management positions are reserved for corporate immigrants.Not only does heavy construction aid erosion (especially in tropical climates) but essentially, construction and development equals pollution. Tourist generated pollution comes from things such as rental car exhaust and oil leaks, machinery used to build hotels, commercial airplanes, and airport construction just to name a few To a greater extent, after the completion of construction, tourists as a group consume a tremendous amount of natural resources and produce an equally tremendous amount of waste. The influx of tourists into a community creates a transient but permanent population increase.Two major problems arise from a sudden population increase:à ‚ an over consumption of resources, and an over production of waste. Over consumption causes problems such as water shortages, frequent loss of electricity, and over fishing of local waters. The over production of waste is an ever-present threat to tourist communities. This shows itself in the form of water and air pollution, liter, and the frequent overflow of sewage systems. As a result of these types of waste many places experience loss of potable water, loss of local animal populations, and the spread of disease and infection.The degradation of local infrastructure results from the heavy traffic of cars and tour buses. This is especially a problem in developing nations where cars are not a household item and roads and bridges were not designed to withstand heavy traffic. In situations involving tourist oriented corporations that return most of their profits to their own countries, the host communities are left to foot the bill for repairing the damages. Cultural Impacts of Tou rism are In addition to tourism's environmental impacts on host destinations; there are also many important cultural issues to consider.Some of these issues result from the environmental impacts that carry over into the community. For instance, the inability of local business owners to compete with large corporations. Development of land also causes land prices to rise so that local residents cannot afford to buy. Most tourists are oblivious as to the extent of the impact they have on their host community. The tourism industry has a tendency to view local people as either a pool of waiters, bellhops, laundresses, and gardeners; or performers and spectacles for the tourists to see. This is evident even in our own Native American reservations.Things as simple and thoughtless as a tourist walking through a local market in little more than a bathing suit, not only offend, but contribute to the undermining of social standards. This type of tourist behavior demonstrates a lack of respe ct for the local culture. As local residents witness this lack of respect, they also witness the fact that many of the tourists are enjoying luxuries (i. e. heated water for bathing) that are not available to them. The combination of these things can cause tension between the local residents and the tourist population.And often to a further extent there is an increase in crime, mostly in the way of petty theft and pick pocketing, but sometimes sexual assault. Ecotourism and Sustainable Development are Ecotourism is quickly becoming a buzzword with travel agencies and trendy traveler. It fronts many glossy advertisements and seeks to entice the nature loving tourist to â€Å"exotic†locations. However, it is found that the term is frequently being misused and misrepresented. Ecotourism is generally seen by the host destination as a good way to fund education and environmental conservation and protection.The tourism industry is now using â€Å"green tourism†as a marketi ng tool and it seems to be working. According to a 1995 Travel Industry Survey, 83% of travelers support â€Å"green†travel companies and are willing to spend more for travel services and products designed to conserve the environment. Finally, when properly practiced, ecotourism is carried out through things such as the use of alternative energy sources, by intensive recycling programs in tourist areas, and by using alternative transportation within a tourist area (i. e. bicycles, hiking, man powered boats).These are only a few examples of how ecotourism can be practiced. In essence, ecotourism is a manifestation of sustainable development. That is, economic, cultural, and environmental development that â€Å"meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,†. By adopting the principle of sustainable development, all those involved in the tourism industry, tourism corporations, airlines, tourists, and reside nts of host destinations can achieve the practice of ecotourism and greatly reduce the impacts that tourism has on the host destination.Tourism is a fascinating industry in that it is our first â€Å"invisible†export industry. Although there are many beneficial aspects to tourism, it must be closely monitored and regulated in order to preserve itself and host destinations. It is the responsibility of everyone involved to contribute to the preservation of these host destinations. Local communities should not and cannot be expected to clean up after the tourist. Education of developers is also very important. It is important that the developers of the world realize that money can still be made from environmentally and culturally friendly tourism.Bigger is not always better. Especially where travel is concerned, smaller is often more attractive to the tourist that wants to â€Å"get away. †Local governments and conservation organizations everywhere can aid in policy imp lementation and regulation. Compliance should not be difficult if it is regulated and encouraged by everyone. We has reached a desperate point environmentally and action is imperative. If widespread construction continues, there will be no more tropical paradises, no more retreats into nature, no more â€Å"getting away. †The End The End
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Public Health Comparison Essay
America is a country built on democracy, equality, and basic care for all citizens. The Department of Health and Human and local departments under its direction, work to protect, and care for the public. By preventing epidemics, protecting against environmental hazards, promoting healthy behaviors, collecting statistical data, and many other resources, public health ensures that the government upholds the needs of its citizens. Public health has a longstanding history that has evolved over time to meet the ever changing environment, the advance of technology and the growing population. Whereas public health maintains the needs of the population at large, community health concentrates on the vulnerabilities and demands of particular community. Resources The local public health departments in this authors’ rural area includes seven counties. Services include clinical assistance, community health, educational events, early childhood programs, epidemiology surveillance, home health, planning and disaster preparedness, and school health (Lincoln Trial District Health Department, 2014). More specifically, by offering services such as cancer screening, WIC programs, grief counseling, and many others, the public health department supports the goal of maintaining the well-being of the public. The Department of Health and Human resources is the national public health regulatory division that maintains public health. â€Å"The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves†(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014, para. 1). The HHS works with local and state health departments to locate funding, provide services, collect data, and advance science through research to ensure that constituents of America possess the social, mental, and physical medical needs regardless of their social standing. History of Public Health â€Å"The mission of public health has its roots in the mid-nineteenth century, when physicians, housing reformers, advocates for the poor, and scientists trained in new techniques of chemistry and civil engineering came together to fight problems growing out of urbanization, industrialization, and large-scale immigration. This coalition transformed the nation’s economy and environment, and, in turn, its health. High death rates and pestilence had long affected rich and poor communities alike†(Fairchild, Rosner, Colgrove, Bayer, & Fried, 2010, p. 54). The article describes America’s health deterioration by the mid-nineteenth century from outbreaks such as smallpox, cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, and various intestinal illnesses. The poor were often blamed for these epidemics, therefore the split between social classes grew. In 1940, the American Public Health Association rectified a code of services that public health departments were to provide. They were: â€Å"collecting data on vital statistics; controlling communicable diseases via methods such as outbreak investigations; contact tracing; partner notifications, and (rarely) isolation and quarantine; ensuring environmental sanitation; providing laboratory services for the diagnosis of illnesses by private doctors, hospitals, and other clinicians; offering maternal, infant, and child health services; and providing education†(Fairchild, Rosner, Colgrove, Bayer, & Fried, 2010, p. 57). Following this era, public health has experienced change and reform that continues to this day. From social medicine to current dismal economic circumstances, public health, although deeply rooted in well-being and practices that support it, still struggles between social demands, political opposition, and corporate stipulations. Public health persists in maintaining its core values. No matter what modifications public health may undergo, assessment, policy development and assurance continue to serve the underprivileged or those in need. Difference Between Public and Community Health According to Stanhope & Lancaster (2012), â€Å"Public health has been defined and describes as a system and social enterprise; a profession; a collection of methods, knowledge, and techniques; governmental health services, especially medical care for the poor and underserved; and the health status of the public†(p. 243). As such, public health involves the public on a national or global level by protecting the mental, physical, and social well-being of human beings. For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) was introduced on April 7, 1948. â€Å"The core functions of WHO are as follows: †¢providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed; †¢shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge; †¢setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation; †¢articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options; †¢providing technical support, catalyzing change, and building sustainable institutional capacity; and †¢monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends†(World Health Organization, 2014, para. 1) Community health under the umbrella of public health concentrates on a population in a particular area. According to Stanhope & Lancaster (2008), the WHO defines community as, â€Å"A community is a social group determined by geographic boundaries, common values and interests†(p. 342). Community health concentrates its efforts of assessment, policy development, and assurance on local population, of which have varied needs and vulnerabilities. Resources for a specific community may be different from resources for another community, so the core functions of community health must be tailored to fit each individual area. In conclusion, public health ensures the mental, physical, and social welfare of which human beings are entitled. Community health concentrates its efforts on the people of a geographical area. As the needs of the county and a community change, public health must maintain their services to meet demands. Americans have the opportunity through public health to use the resources at their disposal to sustain a healthy lifestyle. References Fairchild, A., Rosner, D., Colgrove, J., Bayer, R., & Fried, L. (2010). The EXODUS of public health. What history can tell us about the future? American Journal of Public Health, 100(1), 54-63. Lincoln Trial District Health Department. (2014). Our services. Retrieved from Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2012). Public health nursing; Population-centered health care in the community (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). About HHS. Retrieved from World Health Organization. (2014). The role of WHO in public health. Retrieved from
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Long Days Journey
The play Long Days Journey into Night creates a world in which communication has broken down. One of the great conflicts in the play is the characters' uncanny inability to communicate despite their constant fighting. For instance, the men often fight amongst themselves over Mary's addiction, but no one is willing to confront her directly. Instead, they allow her to lie to herself about her own addiction and about Edmund's illness. Edmund and Jamie do not communicate well until the last act, when Jamie finally confesses his own jealousy of his brother and desire to see him fail. Tyrone, likewise, can only criticize his sons, but his stubborn nature will not allow him to accept criticism. All the characters have bones to pick, but they have trouble doing so in a constructive fashion. Most of the bones that need picking emerge in the past, which is remarkably alive for the Tyrone’s. Mary in particular cannot forget the past and all the dreams she once had of being a nun or a pianist. Tyrone too has always had high hopes for Jamie, who has been a continual disappointment. All the conflicts and the problems from the past cannot be forgotten, and, in fact, they seem doomed to be relived day after day. It is important to note that Long Day's Journey into Night is not only a journey forward in time, but also a journey back into the past lives of all the characters, who continually dip back into their old lifestyles. The reader is with the realization that the family is not making progress towards betterment, but rather continually sliding into despair, as they remain bound to a past that they can neither forget nor forgive. The play is all the more tragic because it leaves little hope for the future; indeed, the future for the Tyrone’s can only be seen as one long cycle of a repeated past bound in by alcohol and morphine. This play was awarded the Pulitzer Prize when it was first published, and it has remained one of the most admir... Free Essays on Long Days Journey Free Essays on Long Days Journey The play Long Days Journey into Night creates a world in which communication has broken down. One of the great conflicts in the play is the characters' uncanny inability to communicate despite their constant fighting. For instance, the men often fight amongst themselves over Mary's addiction, but no one is willing to confront her directly. Instead, they allow her to lie to herself about her own addiction and about Edmund's illness. Edmund and Jamie do not communicate well until the last act, when Jamie finally confesses his own jealousy of his brother and desire to see him fail. Tyrone, likewise, can only criticize his sons, but his stubborn nature will not allow him to accept criticism. All the characters have bones to pick, but they have trouble doing so in a constructive fashion. Most of the bones that need picking emerge in the past, which is remarkably alive for the Tyrone’s. Mary in particular cannot forget the past and all the dreams she once had of being a nun or a pianist. Tyrone too has always had high hopes for Jamie, who has been a continual disappointment. All the conflicts and the problems from the past cannot be forgotten, and, in fact, they seem doomed to be relived day after day. It is important to note that Long Day's Journey into Night is not only a journey forward in time, but also a journey back into the past lives of all the characters, who continually dip back into their old lifestyles. The reader is with the realization that the family is not making progress towards betterment, but rather continually sliding into despair, as they remain bound to a past that they can neither forget nor forgive. The play is all the more tragic because it leaves little hope for the future; indeed, the future for the Tyrone’s can only be seen as one long cycle of a repeated past bound in by alcohol and morphine. This play was awarded the Pulitzer Prize when it was first published, and it has remained one of the most admir...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Computers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Computers - Essay Example However, the issue of ethics in the utilization of technology has been overlooked for a long time now. According to a research done by Bush, Bush, and Orr (2010), many users find no need to conduct ethical procedures on the use of technological products. According to the research, such an activity would take away a lot of valuable time from the managers or computer technicians. The result, therefore, is a technological platform full of ethical loopholes and weaknesses. During the earlier days, technology was used as an instrument for exploitation. However, this is not the case anymore because many people use it to experience change. It is through this way that technology has been able to dominate activities in industry and trade amongst other significant sectors of the economy. Galimberti (2009), states that technology has not only taken over the economical domain of many countries and organizations but also dominated the political arena. Through technology, we are able to formulate different solutions for different problems and innovate new ways of doing things. Information technology is also responsible for the provision of information to everyone irrespective of time and location. Examples of such activities include the search of data and the formulation of computer applications that make it easy to conduct business. However, the burden of dealing with the ethical dilemma associated with technology lies squarely with business establishments, organizations or individuals. This is because there lacks a code of ethics in relation to the use of technology. For example, the rapid advancement of technology has made it impossible for nurses and other medical personnel to make sound and professional decisions. Advancements in technology... During the earlier days, technology was used as an instrument for exploitation. However, this is not the case anymore because many people use it to experience change. It is through this way that technology has been able to dominate activities in industry and trade amongst other significant sectors of the economy. Galimberti (2009), states that technology has not only taken over the economical domain of many countries and organizations but also dominated the political arena. Through technology, we are able to formulate different solutions for different problems and innovate new ways of doing things. Information technology is also responsible for the provision of information to everyone irrespective of time and location. Examples of such activities include the search of data and the formulation of computer applications that make it easy to conduct business. However, the burden of dealing with the ethical dilemma associated with technology lies squarely with business establishments, organizations or individuals. This is because there lacks a code of ethics in relation to the use of technology. For example, the rapid advancement of technology has made it impossible for nurses and other medical personnel to make sound and professional decisions. Advancements in technology bring about the development of new equipment for hospitals.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Inferential Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inferential Statistics - Essay Example Patients with extremely low T-cell counts at imminent danger of dying will not be excluded but will be given special treatment as noted below in the discussion of ethical concerns. Study Design: Patients will be split into three groups: A placebo control group, a standard cocktail control group and a hivaril experimental group. For the hivaril group, in order to mask that a newer drug is being provided, the rest of the cocktail elements will be simulated by identical-looking placebos. Patients will be monitored for six months regularly to check T-cell performance and other vectors of improved health, as well as to see for toxicity. Statistical Model: Our intent is to see, at a very high confidence level with a moderate margin of error (+/- 3% would be acceptable), if hivaril is comparable to or superior to both the cocktail control group and the placebo control group. The hypothesis is directional, with the null hypothesis being that hivaril is worse than the cocktail and identical t o a placebo. The drug would still be a major improvement if it were better than the placebo but slightly worse than the cocktail. The alternative hypothesis is as noted. Because three groups are being measured, and must be to preserve a placebo control, ANOVA will be used. Luckily, the sample size is large enough that no other modification is needed.
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