Friday, May 22, 2020
Do You Agree With The First Two Noble Truths - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 554 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Truth Essay Did you like this example? Oh, it is real. It is the only real thing. Pain. So let us name the truth, like men. We are born to joy that joy may become pain. We are born to hope that hope may become pain. We are born to love that love may become pain. We are born to pain that pain may become more Pain, and from that exhaustible superflux. We may give others pain as our prime definition. (Smith 100) The Buddha believed that the first Noble Truth of life is dukkha which is translated into All life is suffering(Pain). The second noble truth the Buddha believed in was All suffering comes from desire( tanha) thirst or craving. It is understood in Buddhism that pain is a part of this cycle of life and as long as we have place our selfish desires and pleasures, we will have nothing but more pain. He also believed that much of what we may find enjoyable was in fact superficial. He believed that life was lived unfulfilling and filled with insecurity, and that most things that were enjoyable resulted in pain. He believed that all these things such as desires and pleasures are just distraction to distract us from the pain that is so deeply bedded within us all. Only at quite rare moments have I felt really glad to be alive. I could not but feel with a sympathy full of regret all the pain that I saw around me, not only that of men, but of the whole creation.(Smith 100-101). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Do You Agree With The First Two Noble Truths?" essay for you Create order I have to say I do believe in the first and second noble truths because the more you live life you will truly endure suffering, and most of the suffering will come from our selfishness and pleasures, we are trying to obtain in this world. We have to come to an higher understanding that our wants and desires are only temporary, and will not give us the pleasure, and desires we believe they will because in this life everything is temporary including ourselves. Buddha teaches us once we come into this understanding and realize that all of selfishness and desired pleasure are the real root to our suffering is when we come to understand that all is temporary. I think both statements speaks to all the pain we all see in the world all around us, and yet there are times when we still feel a since of happiness with our so called lives, despite the suffering that is happening all around us and I believe that is what is meant in that statement. There is truly pain in just about all aspects of life just waiting to raise its little head, and Buddha clearly makes that noted in his teaching. The realization that all is temporary including ourselves will then give us the understanding All life is suffering and All suffering comes from our desires. This has given me a new foundation as to how I view, or believe what it is that I think might make me happy, and come to the understanding that it will not. Its only temporary and the suffering will only continue as long as I keep placing my selfish desires and pleasures upon my life will nothing change and this is what I have learned from the Buddha and Buddhism teachings.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The World s Dependence On Fossil Fuels - 1785 Words
Running head: THE WORLD’S DEPENDENCE ON FOSSIL FUELS 1 The World’s Dependence On Fossil Fuels Is The Top Ecological Problem Kareem Singleton Rutgers University Running head: THE WORLD’S DEPENDENCE ON FOSSIL FUELS 2 The global dependence on fossil fuels is a major ecological problem, and it has had negative impacts on the natural ecosystem of the globe. The world must change its dependence on fossil fuels and make the top energy resources green, clean, and renewable in order to reduce pollution and save the planet for future generations. The world can become a better place if it were less dependent on fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource, and focus†¦show more content†¦The dependence on fossil fuels as the major source of energy for the World has had a negative impact on our ecosystem and climate. The emissions from the combustions of fossil fuels are the top reason for pollution on this planet. Carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels pollutes our atmosphere, and allows greenhouse gasses to accumulate and cause damage to the Earth, â€Å"That same month, scientists reported that Arctic sea ice, one of the most visible and important indicators of global climate change, w as melting faster than most cli- mate models have predicted, raising the possibility that the summer Arctic will be nearly ice-free by as early as 2020,†(Overland and Wang, 2013). Acid rain is an ecological problem for the globe because it will pollute the planet’s water supply/cycle, land/soil, and wildlife. Oil spillages wreck havoc on the ocean’s wildlife and habitats for the fish and organisms that usually thrive underwater. Fossil fuel emissions contribute to global climate change and the toxic pollution on this planet and this problem needs to be addressed by the brightest minds accordingly, â€Å"These problems of climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity are due primarily to the combustion of fossil fuels mainly coal, oil, and natural gas,†(Lovins, A. B,Show MoreRelatedThe World s Dependence On Fossil Fuels1706 Words  | 7 PagesThe World’s Dependence on Fossil Fuels Introduction: When you think of fossil fuels what comes to mind? Perhaps you think of the massive oil rigs set up around the world or maybe your mind wonders to how fossil fuels formed in the Earth millions of years ago. Truthfully the full extent of our usage of fossil fuels around the world is widely not realized. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should the Congress Raised the Driving Limited to 21 Free Essays
should the congress raised the driving limited to 21? The legal driving age has been a constant debate and every few years another log is thrown onto the fire. Should we really raise the legal age to drive? Would it save lives? Today the driving age is 17 or ever younger . In my opinion is should be raise at least to 21 it could be a good idea to rise the driving age because young driver are the main cause of road death and injuries. We will write a custom essay sample on Should the Congress Raised the Driving Limited to 21? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also young drivers drink and drive at the same time. If the driving age is 21 deaths would happen and roads would be safer. What do you think should it be raised in this essay I would tell you why it should be raised to age 21. The Highest death rate for driver is among the age 17. Although 4. 4% of drivers are under the age of 25, but they will cause 13% of fatal crashes People aged 16-19 holding a license was at 41% then went down to 26% Also 16-19 years old per 100,000 driving licenses had rise from 9. 76 death to 19. 23 deaths. People taking driving tests being taken is on increase. It often teenagers driving late at night when most accident occur. According to the survey accomplished in 2005, twelve teens from sixteen to nineteen years old died every day from motor vehicle accident. Around 6,000 teenage drivers are killed in auto accidents each year. They are four times more likely to be killed in car accidents than any other age group. Some good news would be that it will reduce obesity. Driving encourage the population to be come lazy and obese if you cant drive it will forced to walk instead of being in the car and getting bigger. That is not the case many teen get busy these are three main distractions: visual (taking one’s eyes off the road), manual (taking one’s hands off the wheel), and (takings one’s mind away from the driving task) decisions and not taking seriously. In conclusion it should be raised it not safe. A lot of people died each years and the causes are teen are being on their cellphone†¦ etc Altogether it could be good to raise the driving age to 21 because the roads would be safer and 21 years old are more mature than 17 year old. The death rate would decrease and the road would safer How to cite Should the Congress Raised the Driving Limited to 21?, Papers
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